In the aftermath of the devastating Camp Fire, I embarked on a poignant photo and video essay project focused on the town of Paradise in California. The Camp Fire etched its mark as the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in the state's history, leaving profound scars on the landscape and its residents.



Through my art, I explore the devastation of wildfires in 'Paradise', capture the essence of lockdown life in 'Bernadatte du jour', delve into the intimacy of FaceTime photoshoots in 'Amateur Authenticity', and celebrate non-binary identity with 'Oyster Studio'.

Through this series I am exploring the questions: what is contemporary society? What are artists trying to show through their on-going investigation of daily objects and daily emotions?

Bernadette Du Jour

Amateur Authenticity

A trend #Facetime photoshoot presents amateur way of taking photos and its steps away from professional approach in photography. generally amateur photos increased its value only in 1970s it’s when amateur photography became part of art scene.

Oyster Studio, which I started in early 2020, was all about offering a fresh take on headshot photography by celebrating individuality and breaking away from traditional norms. Inspired by the oyster's gender-neutral symbolism, the studio focused on creating unique, personalized portraits for non-binary individuals.

Oyster Studio